POTUS Trump RIPS Democrats’ Phony Russia Hysteria – Highlights Booming Economy

President Trump ripped Democrats on Sunday over their phony excuse for losing the election-‘Russian collusion’.

Trump then highlighted the booming economy which of course the liars in the fake news media routinely ignore.

“Since the first day I took office, all you hear is the phony Democrat excuse for losing the election, Russia, Russia,Russia. Despite this I have the economy booming and have possibly done more than any 10 month President. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Trump tweeted.

The Gateway Pundit often reports on Trump’s booming economy. American businesses are finally optimistic after 8 years of Obama’s America-hating policies.

Black Friday and Thanksgiving online sales in the US surged to a record high this weekend.

American workers are already feeling the effects of a Trump economy.

‘Cyber Monday’ is supposed to be a record breaker as well as consumers confidently spend more money as the holiday season goes into full gear.

Americans care about jobs and financial security more than the Russian collusion hoax. You wouldn’t know about the booming economy if you watched fake news because all they obsess over is Russia Russia Russia just like Trump pointed out.

The Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft reported on the greatest stock market rally ever just last week:

Greatest Stock Market Rally Ever! Another All Time Closing High!

Dow up 29% since last year’s election on November 8th, 2016 closing yesterday at 23,591!

* The Dow increase of 5,258 points since the November 8th election a year ago is the largest point increase in this amount of time in Dow history.  This has never happened in the more than 100 years in the Dow.

* The Dow has increased more in 2017 than any year ever in Dow history! The Dow ended 2016 at 19,763 and has increased by 3,828 points through today. (The old record was 3,473 set by Obama in 2013.)

* Since the election the Dow has surpassed 5 major milestones – 19,000, 20,000, 21,000, 22,000 and 23,000. This is the first time this happened in less than a year in US history.

America is back!

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

You can email Cristina Laila here, and read more of Cristina Laila's articles here.