Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal hoped for the assassination of President Trump in a Facebook comment in August. She then deleted the tweet in a panic.
Chappelle-Nadal even acknowledged she would get a visit from the Secret Service when she posted her comment.
Maria Chappelle-Nadal’s Facebook comment was so egregious that even ABC News reported on the story.
Then Chappelle-Nadal tweeted out a Holocaust threat to Jewish Missouri Governor Eric Greitens.
Missouri Lt. Governor Mike Parsons told Senator Chappelle-Nadal to step down or be removed from office.
Even the Missouri Democrats turned on her.
Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal was removed from her committee assignments.
But Chappelle-Nadal will keep her job.
She is a Democrat, after all. Only Republicans resign after offensive tweets.FOX News reported the Missouri Senate voted to officially censure one of their lawmakers on Wednesday for a comment she made in August on Facebook hoping for President Trump’s assassination.