TERRIBLE! Looters Steal Televisions While Houston Police Battle to Save Lives During Flood (VIDEO)

In what might be the most appalling scene out of Houston besides the image of flood victims, an eyewitness named Isabel Torres uploaded a video to Facebook which shows looters making away with televisions.


The video shows two males carrying televisions over their heads. It is not clear which store the goods were stolen from.

Twitter user ‘VM’ located the strip mall where the theft took place.

Blue Lives Matter reports:

Houston PD Chief Art Acevedo has announced that Houston PD officers have arrested looters, but it’s not clear if the arrested looters are related to the people looting in the video.

The video, uploaded by Isabel Torres, shows people walking back and forth between vehicles and stores that have had the front doors broken in. Two young males could be seen walking away with TVs over their heads.

The exact location of the looting is not clear, but some of it is taking place in a Family Dollar store.

https://twitter.com/ArtAcevedo/status/901917590548869123?ref_src=twsrc% 5Etfw&ref_url=https% 3A% 2F% 2Fbluelivesmatter.blue% 2Fvideo-houston-water-people-start-looting% 2F

Houston area police has rescued an estimated 2,000 people so far from floodwaters, but a great many more still need help.

City officials are warning people not to flee to their attic, because they may become trapped and drown as the floodwaters rise. Instead people are being told to go to their roof and signal for help if they need rescue.

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