#FakeNews: Washington Post Pushes Garbage Story That POTUS Trump’s Father Attended KKK March

Tuesday, a Washington Post reporter put out a story regarding POTUS Trump’s father allegedly being arrested “at a KKK march” in the 1920s, despite the fact that it appears to be a reference to a Memorial Day parade, and the truth surrounding his detention unclear.

An investigative reporter for the Post named Michael Kranish, who also penned a biography on the President, tweeted Tuesday, “We tell the full story of the arrest of [Trump’s father] at a KKK march starting p. 27 in ‘Trump Revealed’.”

He attached a photo of the page in his tweet. It describes a riot that broke out during a 1927 Memorial Day parade in Queens – it was not a KKK march.
It also revolved around Klan members refusing to obey instructions not to attend wearing their white robes.

The New York Times wrote an article about the incident at the time back in 1927 and simply stated that Trump’s father was “discharged”, no other information was granted. There is no clear evidence regarding Trump’s role in the brawl – the Washington Post in their 2016 blog post even conceded that writing: “It’s not clear from the context what role Fred Trump played in the brawl.”

The Washington Examiner reached out to Kranish, they report below:

Reached by email, Michael Kranish explained his tweet, saying, “If you have ‘Trump Revealed,’ read the full description, which continues on page 28. It’s all explained and very fairly.”

Asked about whether his intitial tweet, which does not contain the context, gave a false impression about Trump’s father, Kranish said his book “makes 100 percent clear that the KKK march was part of a Memorial Day parade.”

Others who saw the Kranish’s post on Twitter believed he was missing key context from the parade.

David Martosko, a White House reporter who is friendly with the Trump administration, replied to the tweet, saying, “This makes it sounds like he was a participant. He wasn’t.”

“You are intentionally being misleading,” another person replied to Kanish. “Trying to make it seem as if he took part in this. Didn’t work.”

Kranish’s tweet came as Trump is under intense scrutiny in light of a white supremacy protest on Saturday in Charlottesville, Va., that blew up in violence, resulting in one death and several injuries. The president did not immediately condemn racism specifically though he did in a public statement on Monday.

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