MSNBC Cuts Audio as Soon as GOP Lawmaker Brings up Clinton Campaign Meeting With Foreign Governments (VIDEO)

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham was talking about Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer and when he began talking about Hillary Clinton’s campaign, MSNBC cut his audio.

“Okay, so anytime you’re in a campaign and you get offered from a foreign government to help your campaign, the answer is no,” Graham told reporters.

“He (Trump Jr) definitely has to testify, that e-mail was disturbing. But what is equally odd to me is that the person they met with knew absolutely nothing so I don’t know why they would pick somebody for him to meet with that didn’t have any information about the Clinton campaign…”

“It’s very frustrating for, every couple of weeks, to find out about a new meeting. I’m sure they met with a lot of people during the campaign. I’m sure the Clinton campaign met with–”

As soon as Graham started saying he’s sure the Clinton campaign met with foreign governments, fake news MSNBC cut his audio but kept the camera on him.

As TGP previously reported, the media sycophants are silent over Hillary Clinton’s antics during the presidential election which makes Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting pale in comparison.

Hillary Clinton’s aides met with Ukrainian government officials and journalists specifically to dig up dirt on team Trump. The information gathered was then sent to the DNC and Hillary’s camp.

Video via NTK Network:

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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