DC Detective of Seth Rich Murder: Follow the Awan Arrest Closely – Connect the Dots to “Other” Cases

Rod Wheeler is a Washington DC area detective.

Wheeler was hired by Seth Rich’s family back in March to help solve the murder of their son. Wheeler spoke to Sean Hannity in May and dropped a bombshell. According to Wheeler the D.C. police tipped off the DNC that he was hired “to snoop around.”

Sean Hannity reiterated that every time he personally asked Julian Assange if the Russians were involved, he said absolutely not. Given Wikileaks’ 11 year history of never being proven wrong, it’s safe to say that Julian Assange is being truthful.

Detective, Rod Wheeler said he hasn’t even seen Seth Rich’s computer. He asked both the D.C. police department and the FBI where Rich’s computer is and they claim they don’t know.

A very credible federal investigator on the inside is the one who laid eyes on Seth Rich’s computer and saw the case file. He is the one who relayed information to the detective that Seth Rich had been emailing Wikileaks. Every time the detective brings up Wikileaks to the police department, they shut him down.

Rod Wheeler: “Here’s one other thing that is going to be startling…I’m just gonna say this right now. I reached out to the police department way back in March when the family first hired me right..to get involved. I didn’t hear anything from the police department for 2-3 days.

Guess what I learned yesterday from the family of Seth Rich? The police department did not call me back because someone, a high ranking official at the DNC–check this out–a high ranking official at the DNC–when I called the police department, they got that information and called the Rich family wanting to know, why was I snooping around?”

Also in May Rod Wheeler told reporters there was evidence Seth Rich was emailing Wikileaks. Wheeler made the stunning accusation without having access to Seth Rich’s computer.

Now this…
Washington DC area detective Rod Wheeler tweeted out about the arrest of Imran Awan.

Rod Wheeler then told his Twitter followers there may be a connection to Imran Awan’s arrest and “other” local cases.

This could be huge.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

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