Is John Podesta Behind the Many Lies Strategically Leaked to Cover Up Democrat Crimes?

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Hillary Clinton’s Creepy Campaign Manager John Podesta has a history of seedy and alleged illegal activity.  The late Andrew Breitbart, entrepreneur and creator of knew this back in 2012 (warning on language):

Breitbart was ahead of his time.  During the recent 2016 Presidential election John Podesta’s emails were obtained and released by WikiLeaks late into the campaign.  Although the mainstream media would not report what was in these emails, the GWP and other conservative websites did report the insidious, corrupt and elitist activities and scheming included in the emails.

The WikiLeaks emails showed that the Clinton campaign was in cahoots with the MSM.  At least 65 MSM reporters were meeting with and/or coordinating offline with top Hillary advisors.  The emails also showed that as early as December 2015 Podesta discussed Trump’s “bromance with Putin” and the potential for using it as a means to slander Trump.

Again in April 2016, Podesta was busy conjuring up a Russia smear campaign against then candidate Trump.

The day after Hillary’s loss to President Trump, it is reported that Podesta and the Clinton campaign put the Trump/Russia smear campaign into full swing.  Podesta and Clinton led this smear campaign in spite of having multiple connections with Russia themselves.

Hillary, through the Clinton Foundation, received millions from Russia in return for providing a large percentage of US uranium to Russia while Secretary of State under President Obama.  As for Podesta, his own emails released by WikiLeaks show that he received 75,000 shares in a Russia President Vladimir Putin connected energy company and then in an apparent move to cover this up, gave the shares to his daughter.

President Trump even tweeted about the Clinton – Podesta connections to Russia, asking why the MSM doesn’t cover these seedy links.

Many others have tweeted the same:

Knowing that Podesta is involved with the Russia/Trump fallacy, it is clear that it must be full of lies. What also is clear is that Podesta, Clinton, the Democrats and their MSM are doing all they can to push these lies.  Also, there’s probably a good chance that a number of the ‘leaks’ in the press are just out right lies created by someone like John Podesta.

The reason why the Democrats are doing this is not only because the Democrats want to smear Trump and his legacy.  The more plausible reason is that the Democrats all know that once the President’s team starts investigating the Clinton Foundation, Obama’s illegal wire tapping and all the many other Democrat scandals and illegal acts, many of them are facing jail time.

Attorney General Sessions and his team cannot move fast enough to “Lock Her Up” (and all her corrupt friends like John Podesta).

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

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