Yesterday it was reported that White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon was removed from the National Security Council. Today, he attended an NSC meeting despite being ‘removed’.
The Washington Examiner reports:
White House chief strategist Steve Bannon has attended the first meeting of the National Security Council after he was removed from the principals committee Wednesday.
CNBC reported Bannon can attend meetings of the principals committee if he was invited by President Trump or national security adviser H.R. McMaster. A White House official reported Bannon rarely attended meetings when he was a member of the principals committee.
But, he apparently decided to attend on Wednesday for a meeting on an unspecified topic.
“He is one of the president’s closest and most trusted advisers,” a White House source told CNBC when asked why Bannon attended.
Bannon’s appointment to the National Security Council was seen as controversial in the early days of the Trump administration, given the stories about Muslims and foreign countries published during his time in charge of Breitbart.