WORST PRESIDENT EVER: Obama’s Actions and Inaction Created the Current Nightmare in Syria

Guest post by Joe Hoft

isis syria

In the 2nd Presidential debate in St. Louis on October 9, 2016, Hillary Clinton said: “The situation in Syria is catastrophic.”

For once, Hillary was right.  The US’s involvement in Syria under Obama is nothing short of a nightmare. This was not the case in early 2009 when Obama was sworn in as President. Today US-backed and armed Syrian groups are fighting other US-backed groups because the Obama White House stirred up war in Syria but then lost control in the process.

According to Eric Margolis via Strategic-Culture.org, because of the Obama Administration’s astounding incompetence the US military decided to support its own rebel groups and the CIA did the same. As would be expected, fighting soon erupted between the US backed groups which no one could keep track of.

Ultimately, Obama’s plan in Syria included the US, Saudi Arabia and Turkey arming and financing ISIS to attack Syria. As a result 450,000 Syrians are dead and at least half of the 23 million have become refugees.

Because ISIS went rogue the US turned to the Kurds to assist who were then attacked by US ally Turkey. Russia next entered the mess and supported Bashar Assad, the leader of Syria. Predictably Russia attacked US backed groups while claiming to attack ISIS.

“Hatred for the US is now seething in Turkey and across the Mideast.”

To address the Syrian mess that Obama and his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton created, Obama decided to bring US troops back to Iraq to help clean up the mess.

In a recent speech by Obama about the disaster in Syria, Obama indicated that the mess is not the fault of the US and other outsiders, who imported jihadis and even weapons from Libya to overthrow Syrian president Assad. Obama believes the mess is Assad’s fault for resisting the foreign-backed overthrow of his government.

To sum it all up –

Obama and Hillary gave arms to al-Qaeda in Syria who morphed into ISIS. The US military and CIA believing Obama and Hillary were incompetent started funding their own groups. Everybody started killing everybody including heads being cut off. People that survived became refugees some of which include ISIS. Obama brought US troops to Syria to clean up his mess and then brought Syrian refugees, including ISIS, to the US to get them out of the mess. Russia and the US are bombing opposing sides.


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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

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