Farewell Speech: Obama Compares Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima To A Riot At Gay Bar


Obama Shows His Stupidity In Farewell Speech

America only has 9 nine days left of Barack Obama and for most American’s those days can’t come-and-go fast enough.

In his farewell speech on Tuesday night, Barack Obama once again distorted reality and made outrageous statements.

The most idiotic statement of the night came when Obama made this statement:

For 240 years, our nation’s call to citizenship has given work and purpose to each new generation.  It’s what led patriots to choose republic over tyranny, pioneers to trek west, slaves to brave that makeshift railroad to freedom.  It’s what pulled immigrants and refugees across oceans and the Rio Grande, it’s what pushed women to reach for the ballot, it’s what powered workers to organize.  It’s why GI’s gave their lives at Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima; Iraq and Afghanistan – and why men and women from Selma to Stonewall were prepared to give theirs as well.

The Stonewall riots are regarded as a major event for the LGBT community and took place at a gay bar called the Stonewall Inn… And he claimed these events were “our nation’s call to citizenship.” What does that even mean?  Who writes this nonsense?

Comparing major World War II battles with riots for civil rights not only shows how clueless he is but how stupid he thinks the American public is.

Over 60,000,000 people were killed in World War II which was roughly 3-4% of the world’s population at that time.

Adolf Hitler tried to exterminate an entire group of people from the planet. The Jewish population is only now close to returning to pre-Holocaust numbers.

Good Riddance Obama!


Credit for the title of this article belongs to: @RealJamesWoods


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