How Can We Help The Most Refugees? By Resettling Them In The Middle East NOT The United States (Educational Video)

Best Option For Refugees Is To Resettle Them In The Middle East

On November 5, 2015 The Gateway Pundit wrote about a report that had been released that showed that the United States could resettle 12 times more refugees in the Middle East than it could in the United States because of the costs associated.

The Center for Immigration Studies reported:

Resettlement in the United States for one Middle Eastern refugee costs American taxpayers an estimated $64,370 over the first five years, 12 times the UN estimate for caring for one refugee in a neighboring Middle Eastern country.

This conservative estimate is one of the findings of a new study by the Center for Immigration Studies. The cost of resettlement includes heavy welfare use by Middle Eastern refugees; 91 percent receive food stamps and 68 percent receive cash assistance. Costs also include processing refugees, assistance given to new refugees, and aid to refugee-receiving communities.

Dr. Steven Camarota, the Center’s Director of Research and lead author of the report, commented, “Given limited funds, the high costs of resettling refugees in the United States means that providing for them in neighboring countries in the Middle East is more cost-effective, allowing us to help more people.”

View the entire report

One of the most important points made in the report was about the welfare use by Middle Eastern refugees, “Very heavy use of welfare programs by Middle Eastern refugees, and the fact that they have only 10.5 years of education on average, makes it likely that it will be many years, if ever, before this population will cease to be a net fiscal drain on public coffers – using more in public services than they pay in taxes.”

