On Thursday Matt Drudge tweeted out that The Drudge Report was under the biggest DDoS attack since its inception.
Matt Drudge suggested the attack may be coming from the US government!
Is the US government attacking DRUDGE REPORT?
Biggest DDoS since site's inception. VERY suspicious routing [and timing].
— MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) December 30, 2016
In late November the Washington Post published a controversial report on how the Russians used American websites to push anti-Hillary Clinton propaganda in the 2016 election.
The left has been very focused on “fake news” websites after Hillary Clinton suffered a shocking loss in the November 8th election.
The Drudge Report was included on this list of sites pushing Russian propaganda.
The Washington Post then cited the Propaganda or Not website as their source for the list of Russian propaganda sites.
The list included several popular conservative websites:
The Drudge Report
And now The Drudge Report is coming under DDoS attack.
UPDATE: The attack lasted 90 minutes.
UPDATE: ATTACK ON https://t.co/34X3gcdXTz LASTED 90 MINS… https://t.co/8ohXyfVgij
— DRUDGE REPORT (@DRUDGE_REPORT) December 30, 2016