DEBATE DISASTER for Tim Kaine: Ohio Focus Group Turned Off By Interruptions – Laughs at Hillary’s Veep

Republican pollster Frank Luntz live-tweeted responses by a focus group of 27 undecided Ohio voters watching the vice presidential debate between Democrat Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia and Republican Governor Mike Pence of Indiana. The debate was held at Longwood College in Farmville, Virginia and was moderated by CBS News reporter Elaine Quijano.

“Literally every time Tim Kaine talks: 📉 #VPDebate”

The reaction from the focus group was brutal for Kaine even though the debate started out well for him. The group initially liked Kaine, but got so sick of his constant interruptions of Pence that they ended up laughing at Kaine according to Luntz.

“Tim Kaine listing off his past experience scored well across the entire group. #VPDebate”

“13 voters say Kaine had the better opening, 13 said Pence did. #VPDebate”

Kaine’s repeated interruptions of Pence quickly soured the focus group.

“Mike Pence’s attacks on Hillary’s foreign policy is scoring much better than Tim Kaine’s interruptions. #VPDebate”

“Kaine is interrupting way too much. The focus group wants the moderator to lay down the law and shut him up until it’s his turn. #VPDebate

Pence was well received by the focus group.

“”Can we get a higher number than 100?” My focus group absolutely loved Mike Pence’s methodical answer on economic growth. #VPDebate”

“Mike Pence is winning because Tim Kaine cannot debate like an adult without interruptions. #VPDebate”

“Even when he agrees with parts of Tim Kaine’s answers, Mike Pence still scored better. #VPDebate”

“Mike Pence’s defense of “deplorable” Americans may be the KO punch of tonight’s #VPDebate.”

“24 group members say Mike Pence won on national security, 2 said Tim Kaine. It may be too late for Kaine to turn this around. #VPDebate”

“My focus group literally laughs with Mike Pence’s attacks and laughs at Tim Kaine’s. Pence goes high. 📈
Kaine goes low. 📉”

“Who won tonight’s vice-presidential debate? • 22 say Mike Pence • 4 say Tim Kaine #VPDebate”

Even though Pence won the debate by a wide margin, hardly any members of the focus group said they had changed their mind about whom to support because of the debate.

“.@FrankLuntz: “Mike Pence had the most impact — by far.”″

However, Pence’s performance may sway undecided voters over time.

“My #VPDebate focus group: “Pence looked the most presidential. He was calm, reassuring – I would want him in a crisis, not the other guy.”

“”Trump has a lot of good ideas, but just goes off the handle a lot. Pence’s demeanor lets you focus on the details of the policy.” #VPDebate”

“”Trump has a good heart but a bad mouth.” “Pence is calm, and makes Trump look better than Kaine made Hillary look.” #VPDebate”

By election day, this debate could be the rare case where a vice presidential candidate made it easier for undecided voters to commit to voting for the nominee.

Before the debate, Luntz posted details of the focus group.

“Tonight’s #VPDebate focus group:

• 27 total
– 14 women, 13 men

• 7 lean Hillary, 5 lean Trump
– 12 voted Obama
– 14 voted Romney
– 1 other”

Featured Image via Frank Luntz/Twitter

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Kristinn Taylor has contributed to The Gateway Pundit for over ten years. Mr. Taylor previously wrote for Breitbart, worked for Judicial Watch and was co-leader of the D.C. Chapter of He studied journalism in high school, visited the Newseum and once met David Brinkley.

You can email Kristinn Taylor here, and read more of Kristinn Taylor's articles here.


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