Guest post by Aleister at American Lookout:
CNN has been absolutely awful to Trump and his supporters throughout this entire election. People at the liberal network have called Trump and his supporters racists, xenophobes, bigots, woman haters, etc.
Trump supporters have reacted in kind. At a recent Trump event, the crowd started chanting CNN sucks.
The crybabies at CNN can’t handle it when they’re on the receiving end of insults. A few of them are even trying to paint Trump supporters as dangerous for pushing back at them.
News Busters reported:
CNN Anchors Hyperventilate After Crowd Chants ‘CNN Sucks’ At Trump Rally
After playing the short video clip, Cuomo, Camerota, Carter and Stelter wonder aloud what sinister outcome could arise from this display. Cuomo began by calling it “very high on the list of irresponsible things the guy has done,” blasting Trump for not thinking “about the implications to anybody other than himself.” Cuomo whined, “Have you ever heard of anybody in politics, let alone a presidential nominee, doing anything like this to the fourth estate?”
Stelter agreed this was “much, much worse than what we’ve seen in the past,” while Bill Carter added that there was “a mob mentality now at stake.” “These people are yelling and shouting and threatening reporters in a way I’ve never seen,” he stated.
Alisyn Camerota remarked that at rallies crowd members would “yell at” reporters and make “vulgar gestures at them.”
“[A]nd Trump encourages it,” Stelter began to say. “He needs to help bring the temperature down. Instead, he keeps raising the temperature by lying to them,” he added.
What a bunch of hypocrites.
They’ve spent months insulting Trump supporters and then they’re surprised when people react accordingly.