Her first mistake was trusting Hillary Clinton.
Her second mistake was giving her money…
An 81 Maplewood widow decided in March to donate to $25 to Hillary’s campaign.
She’s always voted Democrat.
One month later her credit card came and the Hillary for America campaign had taken $119 from her account. so she called the Clinton campaign and complained.
The next month they did it again.
Stronger Together.
Hillary robs elderly lady, promises to pay her back, but steals her $ again the very next month. #Chelsea pic.twitter.com/KkaoCSWwb7— Deplorable David🇺🇸 (@FreeDavidKing) September 18, 2016
The Clinton campaign is robbing elderly donors.
Hillary Campaign Gouges Poorest Supporters https://t.co/k1URxQ5IgL #Trump #tcot #AltRight pic.twitter.com/DDyaBXQUPj
— Kit Daniels (@KitDaniels1776) September 16, 2016