Members of the Santa Clara Police Department penned a letter to the 49ers this week saying they will boycott work at the team’s gamves if the team does not take action against Kaepernick.
The 49ers hire around 70 off duty officers for each game.
The police are upset with Kaepernick’s accusations that the police are murderers and his pigs in police hats socks he is allowed to wear at practice.
NBC Bay Area reported:
Colin Kaepernick’s decision to sit during the national anthem in protest of racial injustice and police brutality, as well as his critical words directed at officers across the nation, have the Santa Clara police union saying its officers might stop working San Francisco 49ers home games.
NBC Bay Area obtained a letter, penned by union members, to the San Francisco 49ers stating that if the organization does not take action against Kaepernick, “it could result in police officers choosing not to work at your facilities.”
The Santa Clara Police Department is the lead police agency at Levi’s Stadium. During 49er games, around 70 officers volunteer to work and are paid as security personnel. Now it is unknown whether more than half of those officers will show up at the team’s next game on Sept. 12.
“I’m already hearing it this week that next week on Monday Night Football, some officers are not going to work,” said Frank Saunders, president of the Santa Clara Police Officers Association.
According to the union, about one-third of the officers who work during 49ers games are from other Bay Area law enforcement departments. If Santa Clara’s police officers refuse to work, others officers might be hired. But, Saunders said, that may create a conflict with the city’s contract with the police union.
Officers are angered by Kaepernick’s comments about police brutality and accusations that officers “murder minorities.”
They are also frustrated by the San Francisco quarterback’s decision to wear socks during practice that depict pigs in police uniforms, according to the association.