Donald Trump is Right About Profiling For Terror Prevention Says… Bill Maher (VIDEO)


Every once in a while, lefty TV host Bill Maher says something right, so let’s give credit where it’s due. While discussing the use of profiling to prevent terrorism on his show, he suggested that Trump has the right idea.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

Maher: Trump Is Right, We All Profile And Should Do It; “Discrimination Does Not Mean Prejudice”

BILL MAHER: He is for profiling, that’s what he said. But he said we should do it the way Israel does. And, like, every once in while Donald Trump says something right. Because we profile already, we just do it stupidly. All police work is profiling. Discrimination does not mean prejudice; discrimination means telling un-like things apart…

What they do is they hire really smart people. This is not the TSA, which is just guys giggling at your balls when they’re looking — a screener. If we would pay people $100,000 to do this job, we could get the kind of people who do it in Israel.

Watch the video:

If Trump is getting through to Bill Maher, you know his message makes sense to lots of other people on the left, even if they won’t admit it.


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