Donald Trump is leading Hillary Clinton in the latest Florida PPP poll.
And one in six Democratic voters in Florida supports Donald Trump.
That is HUUGE!
Conservative Treehouse reported:
No, we are not going to reverse course and start deconstructing the insufferable media polling. We are committed to continuing to ignore the nonsense, the ‘shiny thing’ chatter.
However, every once in a while an example surfaces where we can explain that decision using a current case in point. Cue today’s PPP Florida poll:
(Via PPP) […] PPP’s newest Florida poll finds a very tight race for President in the state. In the full field Donald Trump gets 44% to 43% for Hillary Clinton, with Gary Johnson at 5% , and Jill Stein and Evan McMullin each at 1% . But in a head to head between Clinton and Trump, the nominal lead flips to Clinton at 47/46. That’s because voters who support one of the minor candidates or are undecided in the full field pick Clinton by 12 points over Trump if they had to choose just between the two major candidates. (link)
OMG… “tight race“. Oooooo,…. Ahhhhh,….. etc.
However, look at this first:
Wait, huh… wha?…. 16% of Registered Democrats are supporting Donald Trump?