Another Media Lie…
The liberal media did not report on the numerous protests and interruptions during Hillary Clinton’s DNC Convention speech.
The media also did not report on the hundreds of empty seats in the Wells Fargo Arena in Philadelphia.
Lots of empty seats during hillary's speech at the dNC convention via /r/politics @superse…
— ⚛☠ PhilUSB ☠™⚛ ⚜420⚜ (@philusb) July 29, 2016
But Bernie Sanders supporters caught it on film.
Democrats walked out during his speech.
This video made the rounds this week.
It’s an old Marxist trick to portray crowds larger than they actually are.
The Democrat-media complex has perfected it.
We are being deceived. #OccupyDNC #DemExit #GoGreen #BernieOrBust #StillSanders #NeverHillary #DNCinPHL #DNCWalkOut
— Bernie's Rangers (@jeffersonitopia) August 2, 2016