Obama White House Sends Celebrities Talking Points to Push Immigration Agenda

Obama Hollywood pic

Liberals in Hollywood love Obama and will do pretty much anything he asks, including pushing his agenda when asked.

The latest example of this has to do with pushing immigration, for which the Obama administration was happy to provide a script.

FOX News reports:

White House pens social media script for Hollywood A-listers to tout immigration policies

The White House has penned a social media script for Hollywood to spread its message on immigration, in a sequel to the gun control talking points the Obama administration sent out to actors, directors and writers earlier this year.

An email sent out last week to an undisclosed number of Tinseltown movers and shakers from the White House Associate Director of Public Engagement Jesse Moore shows just how confident the administration is that its lines will be delivered as written under the Twitter hashtag “ImmigrationHeritageMonth.”

“Will you send it out too, using your social media accounts?” reads the email. “And let us know when you do so we can continue to amplify your voice – and this message.”

The email included a video and urged stars to join the #IAmAnImmigrant movement.

“We are a nation of immigrants, and whether you are an immigrant, the child or grandchild of immigrants, or you stand with immigrants – it’s on all of us to ensure that we continue to recognize the role immigrants continue to play at the core of this country,” the email states.

Although Moore acknowledges, “Your own voice is best,” draft social media language is offered for stars to cut-and-paste.

Celebrities will help push agenda items if the next president is a Republican, right?



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