Guest post by Joe Hoft
According to AP and Real Clear Politics – Donald Trump Awarded 1,239 Delegates –Enough to Win Nomination
The AP and Real Clear Politics today reported that Donald Trump surpassed the number of delegates needed to win the Republican nomination for President. With the delegates awarded from his win Tuesday in the state of Washington and additional delegates reporting predominantly in Pennsylvania and North Dakota, Trump surpassed this magic number today.
The Republican Party started the year with 17 bona fide candidates in the race. This was more than any major party ever. In spite of this, Trump has now accumulated 57% of all Republican delegates to date and enough to win the nomination. (Note that the Green Papers website has yet to record Trump going over the top.)
As of today 45 Republican state elections and 44 Democrat state elections have taken place. Trump leads Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in state wins with 31 and in primaries with 28. He’s won 69% of the state elections to date.
Trump has received more than 11 million votes to date in the state elections according to This is 42% of all Republican votes received to date.
The Republican Party has set a party record this year in pre-convention state election turnout with over 28 million votes to date which is 136% of the record high voter turnout in 2008. That’s four million more votes than the Democratic primary race this year.
There are five states left to vote including California.
This increase in votes can be attributed to Donald Trump.