Rina Bharara is a delegate to the Republican National Convention.
Rina hates Republican front-runner Donald Trump.
Learn it, live it, sign it! https://t.co/zRpWD9UDiX #NeverTrump cc: @PatrickRuffini @ChristianABerle @KrisHammond pic.twitter.com/Wu0Xia8VZo
— Rina Shah Bharara (@RinainDC) April 11, 2016
Today on the Real Story with Gretchen Carlson Rina said she may vote for Hillary in November because she knows where Hillary stands.
So these kooks are allowed to be delegates but Trump supporters are blocked from the convention!
Rina Bharara from DC says she will support Hillary over Trump.
And she’s damn proud of it.
What a joke.
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