Self-described “commie…trans” April J. Foster, 29, was arrested by Kansas City, Missouri police on Friday for slapping a police horse at a protest against leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on March 12.
April was charged with abuse of a police service animal.
April Foster squares off against police horse, image via YouTube.
The slap was witnessed and reported by a photographer with the Kansas City Star:
“A photographer with The Star saw a woman slap a police horse in the face. When officers pointed her out for arrest, she disappeared into the crowd.”
KCTV-TV reported on the police report about the attack on the horse.
Police said Foster approached an officer and his horse named Dan and began yelling and screaming in the horse’s face, trying to scare the animal.
“When this tactic did not work she attempted to push my horse with no success. I observed this to only make her more angry and violent and in a last attempt she struck my horse in the face with an open hand,” the officer’s report said.
The officer said Foster then ran away and they weren’t able to catch up to her due to the size of the crowd.
April J. Foster, image by KCPD via WKCTV-TV.
Steve Kraske: Protests like the one in Kansas City will dog Donald Trump for months #election2016
— The Kansas City Star (@KCStar) March 13, 2016
Foster is affiliated with the communist group, Progressive Youth Organization, and can be seen in video and photographs taken at the protest holding one end of a large red banner emblazoned with a gold star lettered PYO and the message, “Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win.”
Foster’s bio at Instagram:
“aprilfosterrr April KC, worker, writer, commie, feminist, music, books, trans, go Royals.”
Image via PYO Facebook page.
Image via PYO Facebook page.
Foster proudly proclaimed membership in the PYO in a tweet on Thursday, one day before being arrested.
“I will always be proud to say I am a PYO member. I am PYO for life. Boring ass haters only embolden us and strengthen the organization.”
PYO posted a tweet Saturday demanding charges be dropped against Foster, calling Foster “our comrade” and “one of our most vocal leaders.”
Drop the charges against our comrade April Foster! They are targeting one of the most vocal leaders in our…
— PYO-KC (@pyokc) March 20, 2016
“Drop the charges against our comrade April Foster! They are targeting one of the most vocal leaders in our…”
The complete statement was posted to PYO’s Facebook page.
Drop the charges against our comrade April Foster! They are targeting one of the most vocal leaders in our organization and in this city a week later, clearly as an intimidation tactic.
Let’s be clear here. KCPD maced a crowd of peaceful protesters including children, the elderly and disabled. They looked like idiots on social media and now they are acting like the victims. Horse wasn’t punched or abused either FYI. Here’s the proof. Our comrade was trying to calm the animal as it was trampling over people in the crowd. Someone could have gotten hurt:Trans Women at the forefront of the struggle!
Foster posted $500 bail and is scheduled back in court on May 4, reported KCTV-TV.