Janesville PD just wrapped up a news conference confirming what Gateway Pundit and Rebel Pundit already knew. The teen who accused an elderly Trump supporter of sexual assault WAS NOT GROPED and suffered no sexual assault of any kind. Further, the teen is being refered to Juvinilie Serivces for attacking the same elderly Trump supporter she falsely accused.
Janesville PD: “We reviews this video as well as many others and we did not find evidence of a sexual assault. The video does not support evidence of a sexual assault. It does support that a punch was delivered by the 15 yr old….We have referred to Juvenile authorities the 15 year old female for disorderly conduct charges. It could’ve been an assault charge but Mr Crandall didn’t want to pursue those charges. There are no charges regarding Mr. Crandall. He committed no crime.”
Newly released video clearly shows the elderly man never groped or sexually touched the teen at any time. The video is also the best angle available thus far, giving a clear view of the teen punching the elderly man in the head.
Newly released #Janesville video CLEARLY shows claims of groping are lies. Teen referred to Juvi for assault. https://t.co/Iv7fAzIS6m
— Andrew Marcus (@ImAndrewMarcus) March 31, 2016
Janesville, Wisc. – The Janesville, WI, Police Department determined that no sexual assault took place at a recent Trump Rally on March 29, 2016, and the alleged victim was instead a perpetrator of violence, despite numerous false media reports and the publishing of selectively edited video of the incident.
The Janesville Police also stated that the 15-year-old punched a Mr. Crandall and that this warranted an assault charge for this action, but because Mr. Crandall declined to press charges, she was instead referred to the juvenile authorities for her act of violence.
Not only was the elderly Trump supporter a victim of this unhinged teen leftist, he was then victimized by media outlets like Daily Mail, CBS News, the New York Post, Think Progress, and countless others who reported the alleged sexual assault as fact.
Will any of these news org devote even 1% of the energy to clearing the elderly man’s reputation that they expended toward destroying it?
All to push a #NeverTrump narrative of violent Trump supporters.
Police are still looking for the man who pepper sprayed the violent teen. If found, let’s hope they give him a pat on the back for a job well done. He defended an elderly man from further attack when no police were present to step in. #Hero