Variety Film Critic Calls Michael Moore’s New Movie AN EMBARRASSMENT TO AMERICA

Michael Moore film

Michael Moore has a new movie out and even some liberals in media hate it. A film critic for the highly regarded entertainment magazine Variety recently called the movie an embarrassment to America.

Check it out:

The worst: An embarrassment to America, Michael Moore’s latest editorial cartoon of a documentary is as sloppy as its author’s appearance (easily twice his “Bowling for Columbine” heft). Unlike his earlier, urgent wake-up-call docs, “Where to Invade Next” cherry-picks aspects in which other countries can be made to appear more progressive than the States, while conveniently overlooking the limitations of each grass-is-greener locale. At the base, it’s a fine idea, implying the humility to ask what we can learn from others, though Moore is a boorish ambassador at best, and his disingenuous approach undermines his own argument.

Here’s the trailer for the movie if you wish to point and laugh:

If nothing else, it’s fun to watch Moore struggle to remain relevant.


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