It seems the Syrian refugee crisis isn’t working out too well for some European countries that caved to mass migration.
Norway is even offering to pay them to leave.
Weasel Zippers reports via Fox News:
Norway is offering asylum seekers thousands of dollars to leave the country as the global refugee crisis intensifies, and hundreds of people have taken the government up on its offer, The Local reports.
A family with two children is eligible for up to $9,300 dollars – and free flights home, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration told the media outlet. More than 900 people reportedly have accepted.
“[Refugees] thought that when they came to Norway they would get protection rather quickly,” the head of The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration’s return unit told local broadcaster NRK, The Local adds.
Instead, applications for family reunification can often take years, and an increasing number of refugees fleeing conflict in the Middle East and Africa don’t want to wait.
“Earlier this year, the number [of applications] was an average of 100 per month. In October, there were 150 and in November there were 230 applications,” the International Organization for Migration spokesman Joost van der Aalst told NRK, The Local reports.
And Obama wants to bring them here.
Image: (Weasel Zippers)