Remember how hard the media pushed “hands up, don’t shoot” after the Ferguson protests? The lie was so obvious that even the liberal Washington Post has admitted it.
Ian Tuttle of National Review:
WaPo: ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ One of 2015’s Biggest Lies
Washington Post fact checker (yes, sometimes “fact”-checker) Glenn Kessler has released his list of “the biggest Pinocchios of 2015” — and guess what made the list:
“Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”
This phrase became a rallying cry for protests after the fatal shooting of a black 18-year-old by a white police officer, Darren Wilson. Witness accounts spread after the shooting that Michael Brown had his hands raised in surrender, mouthing the words “Don’t shoot” as his last words before being shot execution-style. Democratic lawmakers raised their hands in solidarity on the House floor. But various investigations concluded this did not happen — and that Wilson acted out of self-defense and was justified in killing Brown.
A lie? Well, then it’s a good thing no one acted prematurely and propagated that story before it was confirmed!
The left loved this story because it featured two of their favorite claims:
America is racist and guns are bad.