LEFTISTS Hurl Vulgar Insults and Profanity at Nun After She Bags 10-Point Buck and Posts Photo Online

Sister John Paul Bauer says she views hunting as a spiritual endeavor.
Sr. John Paul bagged a ten-point buck on the first day of hunting season.
sister buck
The Erie Diocese posted the picture of Sister John Paul and her buck on their Facebook page.

The comments were mostly positive until leftists started hurling insults and profanity at Sister John Paul.
–The photo was eventually removed by the diocese due to the disgusting leftist attacks.

But Sister John Paul Bauer won’t apologize.

The AP reported:

A Roman Catholic diocese has taken down the Facebook photo of a nun with a 10-point buck she bagged after the posting drew criticism, some of it vulgar, by anti-hunting and animal rights activists, the diocese said.

Sister John Paul Bauer killed the deer on Nov. 30, the first day of hunting season.

The photo posted on the Erie Diocese’s Facebook page showed her, in her nun’s habit, at the back of a pickup holding her trophy deer by the antlers.

Initial comments were largely positive, Anne-Marie Welsh, spokeswoman for the Erie Diocese, in northwestern Pennsylvania, said Monday. But as the page neared 1.5 million views, animal rights activists began taking offense, she said.

“We recognize that social media needs to be a two-way conversation, but unfortunately, many of those who oppose hunting posted vulgar comments, using profanity and even an obscene photograph,” Welsh said. “After careful consideration, we decided to delete the post due to its inflammatory nature.”

In a story about the hunt on the diocese’s website, Bauer said she had just said the rosary up in a tree stand when deer appeared, and she killed the 200-pound buck.

“After I realized I got the deer, I thanked God,” she said.

She said she views hunting as a spiritual endeavor and also a form of conservation, a way to help ensure that the deer population remains at a level that can be sustained by the land.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

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