School District Defends Children Singing “Allahu Akbar” at Minnesota Public School Holiday Concert

Guest post by Aleister

A Minnesota public school is singing “Allahu Akbar” at their annual Christmas holiday concert.
children choir

A school in Minnesota is at the center of controversy right now because the holiday concert included a song in Arabic which contained the phrase “Allahu Akbar.”

Because Christmas is all about Mohammad.

MN Christmas concert
The lyrics read:

Ramadan has come and gone
Eid has dawned upon us
Thank You Allah for this blessed day.
It’s a time of brotherhood, a time of peace
Muslims are singing praises to Allah
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar.

CBS News reported:

Parents Question Choice To Sing ‘Allahu Akbar’ At Holiday Concert

Some parents in the Anoka-Hennepin School District are questioning a choir teacher’s decision to use a song about Ramadan performed in Arabic at a holiday concert.

At Thursday night’s concert at Blaine High School, one of the songs students will be singing includes Arabic words, including the phrase “Allahu Akbar,” which means “God is great.”

Christian and Jewish songs will be performed as well, but the Ramadan song is getting all the attention.

It started with a post on Facebook. A parent of a ninth-grade Blaine choir student posted the lyrics to the song the choir has been practicing. When others learned students would be singing the song on Thursday, the comments took a turn.

One person posted, “No child should be forced to sing a song about the Muslims and the religion of hatred.”

Another parent, who didn’t want to be identified, told WCCO phone that considering the recent events in Paris and San Bernardino, singing a song about Allah would be “insensitive.”

The Anoka- Hennepin School District said they have received about a dozen complaints about the song. Some are from parents, some are from people not even affiliated with the school.

In light of recent events. this was a pretty dumb move on the school’s part.


UPDATE: The school defended the music selection.

The school district said it’s received about a dozen complaints about the song. It released a statement explaining the diversity of the school and its desire to “promote equal opportunities for all students,” CBS reported.

“Songs are not performed in a worship setting or to promote religion, but rather in [an] educational setting where students are learning and performing music,” the district’s statement said.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

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