Hundreds of #BlackLivesMatter protesters gathered today at Mall of America to hold an illegal rally on private property.
Last year’s Christmas protest cost employers and employees thousands of dollars.
Officials immediately put the mall on lockdown as protesters gathered in the rotunda.
RT NStarPost: Crowds gathering in Mall of America rotunda for #BlackXmas2 #BlackLivesMatter protest
— Anonymous Morpheus (@anony_morph) December 23, 2015
Friendly voice announcing mall of America going into lockdown, seek shelter in stores
— bengarvin (@bengarvin) December 23, 2015
Retailers were told to shut down for their own safety and safety of Christmas shoppers.
Now at @mallofamerica. Security watching over #BlackLivesMatter demonstrators. Activists snapping pics. Kids playing
— Doualy Xaykaothao (@DoualyX) December 23, 2015
Minneapolis City Council Member Alondra Cano participated in the illegal protest.
"We shut it down" A small rally outside the mall at the transit station.
— Cody Nelson (@codyleenelson) December 23, 2015
we ready, we comin
— Lightskin Tyreese (@thekingjobe) December 23, 2015