Thomas Melone, CEO of Allco Renewable Energy, protested a wind farm offshore from his summer home on Martha’s Vineyard.
It would affect his viewscapes and hurt his home value.
Now he’s attacking Vermonters who oppose his wind farm project near Bennington.
The Daily Signal reported:
A green energy mogul who protested an offshore wind farm near his summer home on Martha’s Vineyard is criticizing Vermonters who oppose his company’s four-megawatt combined solar farm proposed in Bennington.
In 2010, Thomas Melone, CEO of Allco Renewable Energy, petitioned to block Cape Wind, a large offshore wind farm sited in federal waters in Nantucket Sound.
In an appeal to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, Melone protested the proposed construction of 130 ocean wind turbines on the basis that the renewable energy project would affect his viewscapes and hurt the value of his $15-million beachfront property in Edgartown, Mass.
While the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court rejected his “not in my backyard”-based complaints in May 2012, Melone and Allco have issued scathing criticisms toward Vermonters who say Allco’s Chelsea Solar farm, planned for Bennington’s Apple Hill area, will greatly disrupt noise, wind, and visual aesthetics for local residents and visitors to the nearby welcome center.