UPDATE: MSNBC Apologizes and Pulls Disgusting Cop-Bashing Video

After being called out by The Gateway Pundit, MSNBC took down a video mocking a police officer being dragged from a car by a suspect fleeing the officer.

MSNBC deleted their report but not before The Gateway Pundit saved a screengrab of it…
msnbc video

The video, which was posted Friday night, was removed Saturday afternoon from MSNBC’s Facebook and Twitter accounts within an hour of publication of The Gateway Pundit report.

The video was titled, “Does it count as a police chase if you take the cop along for the ride?”

MSNBC subsequently posted an apology to Twitter, but the statement did not state what precisely was being apologized for, nor was there an apology to the law enforcement community.

“A video tweeted from @msnbc Friday evening has been removed. The material was inappropriate. It should not have been posted and we’re sorry.”

The takedown of the videos and apology by MSNBC came within one hour and twenty minutes of the 2:57 p.m. CDT posting of the article at TGP.

The MSNBC video was posted in conjunction with NowThisNews and was also deleted from the Twitter account of NowThisNews Saturday after The Gateway Pundit report.

Progressives Today found the video at the NowThisNews website.

As of this writing, the video is still posted at NowThisNews

Oddly, NowThisNews promotes the video as straight news with the headline, “Suspect Drags Cop During Getaway Attempt” but it still has the circus clown music and mocking storyboard captions. The video ends with a graphic featuring the combined logos of MSNBC and NowThisNews.

MSNBC promoted the video with the title “Does it count as a police chase if you take the cop along for the ride?”. The video showed surveillance and police body camera footage of a police officer being dragged by a car driven by a thug trying to flee the officer who was trying to question him over an accusation he cashed a fake check at a gas station. The incident took place on May 9, in Savannah, Georgia.

Circus clown music was added to the video and storyboard captioning was added including the mocking “Does it count as a police chase if you take the cop along for the ride?”

The MSNBC video mocking police was posted the same day as the nation honored fallen officers with a presidential speech at the Capitol in front of police officers assembled from departments all across the country.

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Kristinn Taylor has contributed to The Gateway Pundit for over ten years. Mr. Taylor previously wrote for Breitbart, worked for Judicial Watch and was co-leader of the D.C. Chapter of FreeRepublic.com. He studied journalism in high school, visited the Newseum and once met David Brinkley.

You can email Kristinn Taylor here, and read more of Kristinn Taylor's articles here.