Communist Party Member Faces Trial For Siding With Islamic Terrorists

Taliban-fightersTaliban Fighters (Image The Mirror)

While the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) openly supports the Obama administration, and is happily welcomed by the Progressive movement here in the United States, in other countries members of the Communist Party brethren are openly supporting Islamic terrorists.

The Prauge Post reports that a member of the Czech Communist Party is facing trial after celebrating online the deaths of Czech soldiers who were killed by the Taliban:

A Communist Party (KSČM) member is being tried over having approved of the killing of five Czech soldiers by a Taliban suicide attack in Afghanistan on Facebook last year…

Michal Kesudis, a member of the KSČM, aged 37 and from Ostrava, north Moravia, praised the killing of the soldiers, writing literally that they had deserved their death on the Facebook..

Reacting to the soldiers’ death, Kesudis wrote: “This is naturally a great success, because alongside the U.S. mercenaries, the Czech ones are among the worst motherf*ckers. They had it coming.”

Death to the occupiers! Long live the resistance fighters!” he added.

Kesudis wrote that the Czech soldiers were just occupiers, adding that “I am grateful to the Afghan resistance fighters for having getting us rid of the scum. We will do better without them.

Coincidentally the CPUSA has regularly spoken out against the War on Terror.


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