Stanford University Official: Climate Change Must Be Taught In Schools Or Kids “May Lose Their Faith In All Science”

CostaNew York City Council Member Costa Constantinides (center) announcing his support for Res. 375 on Earth Day 2015. (Image Facebook)

Regardless of what President Obama and his Climate minions say, the “science” of Climate Change is anything but settled. When one takes into account the fact that the “97% of all scientists believe in Climate Change” claim was fabricated and combine it with the fact that the IPCC has been manufacturing “evidence” of Climate Change for years, it is only logical for reasonable people to believe that man-made Global Warming/Climate Change is a hoax.

But if you’re a Director at Stanford University Climate Change is not only real, it’s something which should be taught in schools before kids begin to ignore science in general.

According to an article on the New York City Lens, New York City Council Member Costa Constantinides came out on Earth Day to support Resolution 375 which would force Climate Change indoctrination into New York City schools.

The New York Lens then interviewed Jennifer Saltzman, Director of outreach education at Stanford University’s school of earth, energy, and environmental sciences. to get her opinion on Council Member Constantinides move to force Climate Change into the classroom. Director Saltzman stated that it’s not only important, but if it’s not done students may lose their faith in all science.

“Kindergarten through twelfth-grade students across the state could be learning about climate change in classrooms in coming years if an upcoming resolution passes a hearing and a vote.

“City Council Member Costa Constantinides is leading a resolution to make it mandatory for climate change to be included in K-12 education in New York. He and supporters from Global Kids met on the front steps of Manhattan’s city hall April 22 to raise awareness of their effort.

…”A government official pushing for a topic to be included in school curriculum is fairly unusual, said Jennifer Saltzman, director of outreach education at Stanford University’s school of earth, energy, and environmental sciences. Usually school boards are the proponents of curriculum changes.

Climate change, she points out, is highly politicized. Still, she believes integrating climate change into the curriculum is necessary.

“We know are students are not blank slates when they walk into the classroom,” Saltzman said. “They come from homes and communities and have heard of this thing called climate change. For some that means they want to learn more, and for others it means they don’t believe anything and may lose their faith in all science.”

Top scientists are now investigating the altered data claiming Climate Change is real.

One can only hope the real truth finally comes out.

Before the word “science” is so abused by the Progressive greenies that we will be forced to invent a new word the kids won’t lose faith in….


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