Former Israeli ambassador to the UN Dan Gillerman compares Obama to Neville Chamberlain
The Obama White House mocked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Thursday on Twitter over his Iranian nuclear concerns.
Notice the picture of the bomb in the White House tweet.
Worth sharing: Here's how the #IranDeal would shut down Iran's pathway to a nuclear weapon →
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) April 8, 2015
The Obama administration used the same bomb picture that Benjamin Netanyahu used in his speech at the United Nations in September 2012.
Today former Israeli Ambbassador to the UN Dan Gillerman responded to this latest insult to Israel.
Gillerman told FOX:
I think this is a very ominous message. The president has been all over the place trying to explain the deal with Iran, trying to sell the deal with Iran. I think he’s being a terrible salesman. I think by the White House doing this they are deteriorating the relationship between the United States and its only ally in the region to a very, very low point… This is not about your watch this is about the life of our children and grandchildren as well as your grandchildren. So if you don’t care what happens in 20 months after you leave the White House, we do.
And those words, “This will never happen under my watch,” echo very ominously the words of Neville Chamberlain the Prime Minister of England who came back from Munich and said there would be peace in our time and ended up bringing this world its worst war, World War II. And I think the way that the president is trying to appease Iran is very similar to the appeasement of Hitler.
Via America’s Newsroom: