Artwork Critical Of Obama Displayed On Nation’s Most Liberal Campus

While it can easily be said that Libertarians and Conservatives have the thinkers, there is no doubt that Liberals have the artists. In fact, it has long been conceded by people on both sides of the aisle that the left owns art, especially the world of political protest art.

If you need proof of this, think back to the early 2000’s when you couldn’t turn on the television or go online without encountering some vapid painting or slam poem made with the intention of criticizing the Bush Administration. Think of all the artists and activists that tried to crucify Bush over his foreign policy that have fallen mysteriously silent now that their candidate is in charge.

It was this hypocrisy on the part of leftist artists that inspired Boulder based photographer Patrick Waters to create a series of images that attempts to break Liberal’s stranglehold on political art.


Mainstream Media
Mainstream Media

By combining surrealist imagery with the bite of H.L. Mencken style political satire, Waters is able to strip away the pomp and circumstance of American politics in order to reveal the sordid underbelly of D.C. and its leaders.


What is most shocking about Waters’ photos is not their subject matter, but the fact that they were displayed at one of the country’s most liberal campuses. Last March, Waters’ images were prominently displayed at a gallery in the middle of The University of Colorado at Boulder, a school infamous for having only one Conservative academic.


In an interview with The Gateway Pundit, Waters said that he was worried that his photos would be vandalized or that he might be academically persecuted for his views. Thankfully, this was not the case.

While Waters’ images are strange and sometimes abrasive, it is nonetheless important to seek out and foster creative political voices outside of the left. It is high time that Conservatives and Libertarians reject the notion that only those on the left are able to make artistic criticisms about politics and reclaim culture.

Water’s full series can be viewed online here. You can also support Waters’ by following him on Faecbook here and can order prints by contacting [email protected].