Conservative author and radio host Mark Levin unloaded on the Obama Administration tonight after President Obama refused to call and congratulate Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Levin told Sean Hannity that Obama was anti-Semitic.
Mark Levin: This is important. Eric Holder said that this nation is full of cowards because we won’t have a discussion about race. Well I think this nation needs to have a discussion about what’s going on in this White House and this administration about anti-Semitism. And, this White House, because it’s reaching out to Sharpton, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR and all these radical nutjobs and groups. Their policies are, it’s not just Netanyahu, they’re willing to throw Israel over the side for the Islamic regime in Tehran. This president’s former relationships – Khalidi, the professor from Columbia now, with Wright, the so-called reverend from Chicago. This president has a lot to answer for and his conduct is contemptible…
Mr. Holder, Mr. Obama, let’s have a national discussion about the anti-Semitism that reeks from your administration.
Sean Hannity: Do you think the president is anti-Semitic, Mark?
Mark Levin: I personally do. Yes, I do. Has he demonstrated otherwise? Israel is surrounded. Israel was attacked by Hamas. His State Department puts out these proposterous statements about moral relevancy.
Via Hannity: