Guest Post by Mara Zebest
Joe Biden will skip Israeli Prime Minister’s Congressional speech in March.
He is going to leave the country.
Minority Leader Pelosi says Democrats will be busy and she hopes the event won’t take place.
And the Obama administration told Black Caucus members to skip the speech and to publicly speak out against it.
But Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry met with Israeli Labor leader Isaac Herzog this weekend in Germany.
Kerry and Biden scheduled an under-the-radar meeting with Netanyahu’s election opponent Isaac Herzog while in Munich over the weekend.
JP Updates reported, via Free Republic:
After announcing he will be skipping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu”s speech to Congress for a trip abroad, US Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry both met on Saturday with Labor leader Isaac Herzog on the sidelines of a security conference in Munich, Germany.
The two sides insisted that the meetings were informal. But it reportedly revolved around security matters and the Zionist Union’s defense strategy, Israeli media reported.
On Friday, Biden announced he’ll miss Netanyahu’s speech to Congress due to a pre-scheduled overseas trip, yet unnamed. Both Kerry and President Barack Obama said last month that they would not meet with Netanyahu during his visit to DC, citing its proximity to the March 17 elections.
But that didn’t stop them from meeting with Herzog, who’s trailing Netanyahu and the Likud Party in recent polls.
In his speech at the Munich conference, Herzog said, “The time has come when Bibi (Netanyahu) must announce the cancellation of his visit to Congress. In conversations I’ve held with many European and US leaders, it is clear there is great anger over Netanyahu diverting the discussion on Iran’s nuclear program for political gain, and turning it into a confrontation with the president of the United States.”
“This speech that was born in sin, as an electioneering ‘production,’ endangers the security of Israel’s citizens and the special relationship between Israel and the US,” the opposition leader charged.