Activist Says Too Many Privileged White Males In LGBTQ+ Movement

6a00d8341c730253ef016765a192a6970b-800wiUniversity of Houston student Laura Gillespie has penned an article in the student newspaper, The Daily Cougar, lamenting the prominence of white males in the LGBTQ+ groups.

She says “There’s a fundamental problem in the way that people look at the LGBT community. People focus on white, gay men, as they focus on white, straight men in every other community. But the LGBT community does itself no favors, as it continues to display racist, transphobic and misogynistic behaviors, as well as push white gay men into the forefront because it is safe to do so.”

Later, she writes “The debate quickly becomes about privilege, as it so often does when discussing race and gender. People with privilege rarely like to talk about it, least of all admit to it. The gay community is only beginning its crawl toward general acceptance, but it often forgets that those without benefit of white or male privilege still suffer heavily.

(H/T Campus Reform)

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