Black Vanderbilt Professor Under Attack From Liberals Who Want To Silence Criticism Of Islam & Obama

Guest Post by Mara Zebest

Professor Carol Swain has a wonderful conservative message. After writing an op-ed critical of Islam in response to Charlie Hebdo. Campus Muslims and Liberals immediately respond by bullying the professor into silence. After all, Islam is the religion of peace and they will kill you to prove it.

A GREAT interview with Carol Swain can be viewed in it’s entirety at the Daily Caller. The below clip showcases a segment of the interview criticizing Obama in which Carol Swain says Obama is not eligible to hold the office of President (the below clip portion occurs around the 1:40 marker of the full interview here).

The Daily Caller reports the following in which truth is the new ‘hate speech’:

A black Vanderbilt University professor’s op-ed critical of Islamic terrorism has touched off a wave of protest by Muslim students and other critics.

The op-ed author is Carol Swain, a longtime professor of law and political science at Vanderbilt and a self-proclaimed political conservative. Her op-ed, entitled “Charlie Hebdo attacks prove critics were right about Islam,” appeared in The Tennessean (Nashville’s main newspaper) on Jan. 15.

Swain, who opposes burqas and advocates stronger efforts at assimilation for American Muslims, argued that radical Islam “poses an absolute danger to us and our children unless it is monitored better than it has been under the Obama administration.”

In response, Muslim students, led by Vanderbilt undergraduate Farishtay Yamin, took great offense.

Yamin told The Vanderbilt Hustler, the campus newspaper, that she “could not believe her eyes” when she read Swain’s column. The student also quickly labeled Swain’s opinion as “hate speech.”

She then used Facebook to set up a “Campus-Wide Protest Against Hate Speech Published in the Tennessean” on Saturday afternoon.

Attendance at the fairly brief event was in the low hundreds, The College Fix reports. Students who showed up brought signs emblazoned with slogans such as “Better a brat than a bigot.”

Yamin, who is the publicity chair for Vanderbilt’s Muslim Student Association, told the audience in no uncertain terms that a black female professor’s speech must be restricted if she says “these kinds of things” in the future. […]

Read more here.

The MSA (Muslim Student Association) is the arm of the Muslim Brotherhood reported here and here.

Wonder if the Vanderbilt Liberals hypocrites will also try to silence the $54,600-a-year professor teaching cop-hating course speech?

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