Officer Darren Wilson was married in October to fellow officer Barbara Spradling.
His lawyer Greg Kloeppel was one of the witnesses at the ceremony.
(The NY Times)
The New York Times reported:
Darren Wilson, the officer who fatally shot 18-year-old Michael Brown in August, has been out of public sight ever since. Yet last month, he stepped into a St. Louis County office building, gave his name and applied for a marriage license.
Several days later, Officer Wilson married Barbara Spradling, a fellow officer in the Ferguson Police Department, public records show.
The couple obtained their marriage license in Clayton, Mo., outside St. Louis, in the recorder of deeds office on the fourth floor of the Lawrence K. Roos administrative building, steps away from the courthouse where the grand jury has been meeting.
While security guards question people going in and out of the building, the deeds office itself is a blandly bureaucratic place where clerks sit in open cubicles. A clerk at the marriage license desk said on Monday that she was surprised that Officer Wilson went there, as opposed to another county or state — possibly Las Vegas, she said — where he could have filled out paperwork with a greater guarantee of privacy.
Read the rest here.