What rubbish.
Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters on Thursday she had no idea who Jonathan Gruber was. Gruber, an Obamacare architect, admitted in video released this week that Democrats repeatedly lied to “stupid” Americans to pass the law.
Via Twitchy:
Pelosi on Gruber: "I don't know who he is. He didn't help write our bill."
— Sean Sullivan (@WaPoSean) November 13, 2014
Unfortunately for Nancy Pelosi even The New York Times reported in 2012 that Jonathan Gruber helped “draft the specifics.”
He helped "draft the specifics" http://t.co/fJeXkwhiqp MT @WaPoSean: Pelosi: "I don't know who [Gruber] is. He didn't help write our bill."
— John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) November 13, 2014
Gruber met with top House Democratic leaders.
pic.twitter.com/U4nOhYHroL (from 2012 NYT piece). RT @WaPoSean: Pelosi on Gruber: "I don't know who he is. He didn't help write our bill."
— Jimmy (@JimmyPrinceton) November 13, 2014
And then there’s this…
Pelosi said she never heard of Gruber but she posted a Jonathan Gruber blog post on December 1, 2009.
Guess she has to read her blog posts to know what’s in them?
Hat Tip Dawn
Here’s the transcript—
PELOSI: Let me just say this. Anything you need to know about the difference between the Democratic bill and the Republican bill is that the Republicans do not end the health insurance companies’ discrimination against people with preexisting conditions. They let that stand. That’s scandalous, the fact that it exists. I don’t understand why they have not heard the American people, who have said preexisting conditions should not be a source of discrimination.
And secondly, the Republican plan ensures about 3 million more people than now, and ours does 36 million people. So that’s a very big difference in that.
We’re not finished getting all of our reports back from CBO, but we’ll have a side by side to compare. But our bill brings down rates. I don’t know if you have seen Jonathan Gruber of MIT’s analysis of what the comparison is to the status quo versus what will happen in our bill for those who seek insurance within the exchange. And our bill takes down those costs, even some now, and much less preventing the upward spiral.