Another violent unhinged criminal progressive.
A crazed leftist attacked pro-life kids and destroyed their posters at a protest in Columbus, Ohio.
Life News reported:
Pro-life activist Seth Drayer was physically attacked today while leading a group of pro-life students in sharing the pro-life message in downtown Columbus, Ohio today.
The video shows a woman in a Burger King shirt attacking the pro-lifers.
She says, ““You’re just a white f0—— privileged racist f—— male who doesn’t stand for women’s rights
The abortion advocate adds, “No uterus, no right to talk about it. Understand, Mother f—–?”
Mark Harrington of the pro-life group Created Equal told LifeNews: “Violent attacks on pro-lifers are becoming more common. Pro-lifers need to be winsome and be willing to take verbal and physical abuse if necessary in order to remain faithful to our pledge to be non-violent. We also should take precautions to reduce the likelihood of these attacks, be prepared to film them and prosecute the perpetrators (if necessary) to the fullest extent of the law.”
Wow! This woman was unhinged!
(Warning on Violence)
Bad day, hon?
This was cross posted at Progressives Today.