#BringBackOurBoys – Palestinians Runs Hate Cartoon To Mock Kidnapped Jews

The Facebook page for Fatah, one half of the Palestinian terrorist government led by Hamas, is running this hateful cartoon to mock the victims of the recent abduction of three Jews in Israel.


In other news, Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas sent his wife to Israel to be operated on because Jews have skills and human compassion:

Mahmoud Abbas’s wife undergoes surgery in Israel

Doctors operate on Palestinian leader’s spouse over the weekend at medical center near Tel Aviv

Before that, the leader of Hamas was sending his relatives to the Jews for treatment!

Earlier this month Israel allowed the mother-in-law of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh into the country for medical treatment. The 68-year-old woman was granted entry from the Gaza Strip to receive cancer treatment at a Jerusalem hospital.

And then they kidnap three jews and mock them on Facebook.

President Barack Obama supports the unity government of Hamas and Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah. American Jews support Obama.
