Back in 2008 candidate Barack Obama promised to build a 21st Century VA.
“They deserve the same commitment from our government that our grandfathers received… Recovering troops should go to the front of the line and they shouldn’t have to fight to get there. No more red tape. No more shortfalls. No more delays. We will stand up against proposals to ration care and reject the idea that the VA should only treat combat wounds. And, we’ll have a simple principle.
But that was back in 2008…
Today we found out that the wait time lists were manipulated at 64% of VA facilities.
Welcome to 21st century government run health care.
The Politico reported:
Appointments’ wait times were manipulated at more than 60 percent of the Department of Veterans Affairs health facilities investigated as part of a new internal audit.
The White House-ordered audit found that schedulers faced pressure to manipulate the system and concluded there was a “systemic lack of integrity within some Veterans Health Administration facilities.”
The audit, issued as VA Secretary Eric Shinseki resigned Friday, found that 64 percent of the 216 VA facilities reviewed had at least one instance where a veterans’ desired appointment date had been changed. The review found 13 percent of schedulers had received specific instructions to misrepresent wait times.