The conservative journalist duped progressives Ed Begley Jr. and Mariel Hemmingway to get involved in an anti-fracking film that was funded by Middle Eastern oil interests.
O’Keefe will unveil the movie at the Cannes Film Festival on Wednesday!
Via The Hollywood Reporter:
James O’Keefe says he duped Ed Begley Jr. and Mariel Hemmingway into agreeing to get involved with an anti-fracking movie while hiding that its funding comes from Middle Eastern oil interests.
Journalist James O’Keefe, known for his controversial undercover sting operations aimed usually at liberals — is set to unveil at the Cannes Film Festival on Wednesday the first of a group of videos that he says will reveal hypocrisy among Hollywood environmentalists.
In the video, obtained exclusively by The Hollywood Reporter and embedded below, actors Ed Begley Jr. and Mariel Hemmingway are duped by a man named “Muhammad,” who is looking to make an anti-fracking movie while hiding that its funding is coming from Middle Eastern oil interests.
Muhammad, accompanied by a man pretending to be an ad executive, seemingly has the two actors agreeing to participate in the scheme, even after he acknowledges that his goal is to keep America from becoming energy independent. The meeting, which appears to have been secretly recorded, took place a few months ago at the Beverly Hills Hotel.
And, he’s going to release this Wednesday at the Cannes Film Festival!
Watch the video at Progressives Today.
UPDATE: James O’Keefe just told me he may be on Good Morning America in the morning. Please keep this brave man in your prayers tonight.
Walking back to the hotel, in the Belly of the Beast. Surreal. Excited for tomorrow!
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) May 21, 2014