Louisiana lawmakers pass bill to bar Planned Parenthood from state’s classrooms


Louisiana’s classrooms will soon be off-limits to representatives from Planned Parenthood and other organizations that financially profit from abortion.

On Tuesday, the Louisiana Senate gave final approval to a bill that prohibits individuals linked to groups with a financial incentive to promote abortion from distributing health information in schools, the Associated Press reports.

The measure passed both chambers of the Louisiana State Legislature by a combined vote of 122-11, and is expected to be officially signed into law by Gov. Bobby Jindal in the coming days, TheAdvocate.com reports.

While the legislation does not identify Planned Parenthood by name, it’s widely understood lawmakers had that group in mind when they wrote the bill – and for good reason.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America has amassed a stunning fortune – with reported assets of more than $1.6 billion – in large part by killing unborn children. A recent report reveals Planned Parenthood aborted 327,166 babies in the year ending Sept. 30, 2012.

Some hardcore progressives are upset that Planned Parenthood won’t be allowed to disperse its propaganda and troll for clients in Louisiana’s schools anymore.