Protesters against Obamacare rally outside Claire McCaskill’s office in 2009.
We’re ba-ack…
December 11, 2013, 9:00 p.m. CT
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, plans Wheel-In Rally at Senator Claire McCaskill’s St. Louis Office- Asks “Why is Our Government Punishing the American People-Give Us Back Our Healthcare!”
Saturday December 14, 2013 / 11 AM CT until Noon
— Wheel-In Location:
Senator Claire McCaskill’s St. Louis Office
5850 Delmar Blvd, Ste. A
St. Louis, Missouri 63112
From 11 AM CT to Noon
Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit will join fellow Missourians for a Wheel-In at Senator Calire McCaskill’s St. Louis office on Saturday, December 14th from 11 am to noon. Jim, like more than 6 million Americans has lost his healthcare coverage with the implementation of Obamacare. He and others will bring their concerns to Senator McCaskill and from his wheelchair will ask “Why Americans are being punished by Democrats with the loss of affordable healthcare and the erosion of personal choice and liberty?”’
While much of the focus of late has been on the catastrophic failure of the Obamacare website, the true failure of this disastrous law is the law itself. Simply put, Obamacare is not a bad website, it is bad law. Obamacare provides a list that grows daily of broken promises by Democrats to the American people. Senator McCaskill voted in favor of this assault on individual liberty and owes the voters in her state answers.
Hoft explains, “It is unbelievable that in the United States of America millions are losing their insurance because of this destructive power grab by this administration. What is more shocking is that Americans are taking this on the chin. This weekend, we will stand up and say, ‘No more!” Despite what President Obama said, and Democrats reinforced, millions of Americans CAN NOT keep their insurance. They can not keep their doctors and they WILL pay more. It is time for Americans to go directly to those who are supposed to represent them to demand answers.”
For more information and to schedule interviews, contact TGP Communications at [email protected]
Also: If you have lost your healthcare and would like to speak please contact Jim at [email protected]