Guest post by Dana Loesch of Follow me at @DLoesch.
Two names in conservative female punditry were slated to speak at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill this fall by the university’s college Republican group, a move shot down by progressive members of the student body.
Conservative female investigative reporters Katie Pavlich and Ann McElhinney are unimpressive nonacademics whose speaking honorariums are too high and credentials too unremarkable to pay to have them give talks at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill this fall, members of the school’s student government have agreed.
Despite pleas from College Republicans to finance the speeches, which would have cost about $8,000 from UNC’s student programming coffer of $124,000, a majority of student government members voted Tuesday night against funding the campus visits, with several members voicing concerns that Pavlich and McElhinney aren’t worth the price.
On the same night, UNC student government representatives tapped the anarchist group “UNControllables” to receive $4,000 to fly in a social justice crusader/academic from South America to speak on campus, and the feminists group Siren Womyn Empowerment Magazine was allocated $5,100.
Several UNC Chapel Hill student government representatives, however, dismissed the women as lackluster, and said they would serve no educational purpose by visiting the campus and talking to students.
“My concern why I supported removing this is that the educational value – her work has been called … ‘unreliable as a Wikipedia page,’” vice-chairman of the student congress finance committee Austin Root said regarding McElhinney, citing a two-paragraph review of ”FrackNation” in the New York Daily News.
Another member of the finance committee, student Rep. Harrison Touby, took a shot at the women by saying “we’re talking about $5,000 for a lady who made a movie, and $3,000 for a contributor to Fox News. That is a lot of money for two non-academic speakers to come to an academic university to speak.”
Perhaps if McElhinney and Pavlich conducted talks on S&M, vibrators, porn, dogs as mates, or inappropriate relations with sparklers, the campus would roll out the red carpet.