Parents Furious After Wisconsin Middle School Plays Obama Propaganda Video Encouraging Children To ‘Pledge To Be A Servant To The President’ (Video)

Be The Change
School officials said they showed the video because it promoted volunteerism, but parents said it amounted to propaganda. -The Daily Mail

What is this?  Obama’s Nazi America?  Parents are furious over an Obama propaganda video, produced by Oprah Winfrey, that was played to students in a Wisconsin middle school.  The video begins by panning a glorified image of Obama, while over-the-top, dramatic music harmonizes with an Obama speech.  Then a Who’s Who of celebrities take turns encouraging the children to pledge to make a change, and specifically “pledge to be a servant to the president.”  One celebrity even says, “I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama,” and kisses each arm as he says Barack and Obama.  It’s disturbingly disgusting.

Hudson Middle School needs a lesson in how our Constitutional Republic works.  The president serves the people.  We don’t serve him.

The Daily Mail reports,

A Wisconsin middle school has been forced to apologize after showing students a video produced after Barack Obama’s 2008 election that included celebrities pledging to ‘be a servant to the President.’ 

Some parents who watched the video at an assembly at Hudson Middle School in Hudson, Wisconsin, called it propaganda and complained that it was inappropriate for young minds.

The video, produced by Oprah Winfrey’s production company, includes celebrities like Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, Cameron Diaz and Eva Longoria. 

It begins with the stars describing their pledges to do one thing to change the world.

KMSP-TV reports that the video was shown to students in an attempt to promote volunteerism for the ‘International Day of Peace.’

Then, three and a half minutes into the four-minute video, Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis kisses both biceps and proclaims ‘I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama.’

Later, at the end of the video, Demi Moore and Kutcher stand together and declare, ‘I pledge to be a servant to our President and all mankind.’

After receiving complaints, the district issued a lengthy apology and said the video would never be used again.

Hat tip: Gini


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